Implementing a telemedicine program is a great way to increase practice revenue and delight your patients at the same time. Virtual visits are a huge convenience for patients and an opportunity to introduce a new level of flexibility into the practice. The technology exists to make incorporating remote care seamless. We talk to providers every [...]
If you’ve decided to introduce telemedicine to your practice, congratulations! You’ll find that it can help boost practice revenue, improve patient outcomes, protect against new types of competition, and even improve your work/life balance. But you won’t achieve any of those benefits if your patients don’t embrace the program. While studies show that even before [...]
A study by the Association of American Medical College (AAAMC), The Complexities of Physicia Supply and Demand: Projections from 2013 to 2015, predicted that the US could be facing up to a 90,000 physician shortage by 2025. And that was before the COVID19 pandemic. As for primary care providers, the US was looking at a [...]
We provide technology to help healthcare providers incorporate telemedicine into their practice, so obviously, we see telemedicine as something that can benefit both practices and patients. The option of virtual visits expands access to quality care, particularly in rural or underserved areas with provider shortages. Telemedicine can reduce costs and help our limited resources serve [...]