• Did you know that only about 24% of doctors currently use social media? Sounds a bit low, if you ask me. Social media has been around for over two decades, now, and it’s time for doctors (and other providers) to play catch-up. […]

  • Most providers understand what telemedicine is these days, yet there still seems to be a lot of skepticism on whether or not they should incorporate it into their practice. […]

  • Most providers don’t get into healthcare because they love evaluating, implementing, and using new software technology, but it is becoming an increasingly important part of the job. This is a double-edged sword in many ways. The reason that technology has become such an essential part of practicing medicine is that it has the potential for [...]

  • Having long-term, established patients is a crucial component to any well-run practice. Bringing on new patients is no easy feat. Good business strategists understand that holding on to existing patients is much more cost-effective than trying to bring on new patients every year. […]